Course curriculum

    1. Module 1 - Introduction to Micro-Pigmentation Centre and Chanco Beauty

    2. Terms of Use Disclaimer

    3. Introduction to Micro-Pigmentation and Chanco Beauty

    1. Module 2 - Tootaloo Introduction

    2. What You'll Learn

    3. What is Tootaloo and How Was it Developed?

    4. What are the Ingredients in Tootaloo?

    5. Where is Tootaloo Manufactured?

    6. What is the Process and Concept of Tootaloo?

    7. Who can Work with Tootaloo?

    8. Tootaloo Application, Candidates and Emergency Removal

    9. Saline vs Laser Removal, What's the Difference?

    10. Tootaloo Real Results

    11. Quiz: Module 2 Recap

    1. Module 3 - Tattoo Removal Industry

    2. Module 3 - What You'll Learn

    3. Module 3 - Camouflage Removal

    4. Module 3 - Color Correction

    5. Module 3 - Misconceptions about Fading Creams

    6. Module 3 - Misconceptions of Blood Response; Other Brands

    7. Quiz: Module 3 Recap

    1. Module 4 - Client Management

    2. Module 4 - What You'll Learn

    3. Module 4 - Consultation, Management and Treatment Plan

    4. Module 4 - What the Consult Should Include

    5. Module 4 - How to Quote Your Clients

    6. Module 4 - Tootaloo and Scar Tissue

    7. Module 4 - Keeping Expectations in Place

    8. Module 4 - The Healing Process

    9. Module 4 - Pain Management

    10. Quiz: Module 4 Recap

    1. Module 5 - How to Use Tootaloo

    2. Module 5 - What You'll Learn

    3. Module 5 - Workstation Set-Up

    4. Module 5 - Tootaloo Device Compatibility

    5. Module 5 - Tootaloo Procedure Demo

    6. Quiz: Module 5 Recap

    7. Module 5 - Tootaloo!

    1. Module 6 - Resources and Downloadable Forms

    2. Client Aftercare Instructions

    3. Downloadable / Editable Client Forms

    4. Tootaloo Extended Summary

    5. Being Prepared for Business!

    6. Product Recommendations

About this course

  • $120.00
  • 47 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content